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What is Revenue Operations?

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic framework aimed at driving business growth by putting the customer at the center.

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RevOps empowers Marketing, Sales, and Service operations
with processes, data, and technology.

If you identify with any of these situations:


Do you feel like you're not getting the most out of your CRM and marketing software?


You lack accurate data from your Marketing, Sales, and Service operations.


Lack of visibility of the Buyer/Customer Journey to make informed decisions.


Low performance of the sales team due to inefficiencies in workflows.

With our RevOps methodology we help you to:

  • Optimize the use and efficiency of the CRM and marketing tools.

  • Obtain accurate data from operations for decision making.

  • Align the efforts and objectives of the Sales and Marketing teams.

  • Have complete visibility of the Buyer/Customer Journey.

  • Improve the performance of the sales executives.

  • Achieve higher conversion rates and faster sales cycles.

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Our RevOps methodology

Revenue Operations Diagnosis

We perform a comprehensive analysis of your processes and software platforms, taking into account your business objectives.

This allows us to:

  • Evaluate the level of efficiency of your Revenue operations.
  • Define a starting point and establish the initial priorities.
  • Adapt our RevOps roadmap to the needs of your company.

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Mira lo que dicen las personas

“Gracias a Geekforce, pudimos optimizar el uso de nuestro CRM y ahora tenemos una visibilidad completa del recorrido de nuestros clientes. Esto nos ha permitido tomar decisiones basadas en datos precisos y aumentar nuestras tasas de conversión.”
Ervin Howell, VP Product, Deckow-Crist

Nuestro Equipo

Expertos comprometidos

Sofía Rodríguez

Analista de CRM, apasionada por la optimización de procesos y la mejora continua.

Isabella Gómez

Especialista en Marketing Digital, enfocada en la generación de leads y el aumento de la conversión.

Juan López

Desarrollador de Software, experto en implementación de soluciones tecnológicas y mantenimiento de sistemas.


¡Ponte en contacto con nosotros!

  • Calle, 123, ciudad, provincia, 11111


  • +1 234-567-8901

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